Ondo (ONDO)

Project Name:  Ondo

Introduction:Ondo is committed to revolutionizing the world of finance by merging the realms of traditional and decentralized finance on public blockchains. The DAO’s mission is to democratize access to institutional-grade financial products and services and make them accessible to everyone, regardless of geographic or socioeconomic background.

Ondo DAO is a proud member of the Ondo Ecosystem, a set of partners aligned with the mission of bringing institutional-grade financial products and services to everyone, with members including Ondo Finance, the Ondo Foundation, and Flux Finance.


Total Supply (Qty)10,000,000,000 ONDO     
Blockchain Support(ERC20)https://etherscan.io/address/0xfaba6f8e4a5e8ab82f62fe7c39859fa577269be3   
Official Websitehttps://ondo.finance/   

Trade on AscendEX: https://ascendex.com/en/cashtrade-spottrading/usdt/ondo
Deposit on AscendEX: https://ascendex.com/en/assets/assets-recharge/ONDO